Sunday, December 26, 2010

The 10 Plagues Revealed

Just thought it would be interesting to put this down. Will do it list style. 

The Plagues happened at the same time as a massive volcano eruption. The volcano Santorini sent ash in to the air effecting the surrounding area. The ash is found in Cairo and the Nile River, proven by testing the composition of the ash. This volcanic eruption happened between 1500-1650BC while the Plagues happened between 1400-1550BC. So it fits there. 

1st Plague. River ran red LIKE blood. But there is a common algae plume called the Red Tide. This makes the river, or any water, look red like blood. Why did this happen? The ash changes the PH level of the river allowing the algae to bloom. 

2nd Plague. Frogs. The algae are killing fish. Fish eat frog eggs. No fish, record number of frogs. Frogs can't live in polluted water and so leave the river. 

3rd and 4th Plague. Lice and flies. The translation can actually be lice, fleas, gnats, or midges. But you have river full of dead fish, and now dead frogs. This brings the insects of the 3rd and 4th Plague. 

5th Plague. Pestilence. Flies, dead frogs, dead fish, easy enough no? 

6th Plague. Boils. Certain types of flies that bite can leave behind boils. The bites get infected, they turn in to boils. 

7th Plague. Fire and Hail. Ash in the air causes a mixture of ash and water. The ash, very high in the air, causes the water to freeze so when it falls it is hail and not rain. The fire? I saw this amazing picture in Nat. Geo. of a volcanic eruption. There was red lightning. It was amazing to see bright red lightning. Why is it red? Chemicals in the ash makes red lightning. So fire in the sky, and hail.

8th Plague. Locusts. Locusts come about when the ground is very damp.
They bury their eggs in the sand about 4-6 inches. After record amount of hail the ground would be very wet allowing the locusts to form. 

9th Plague. Darkness. Ash in the air. After am eruption in 1815 there was darkness for 600 kilometers. After Krakatoa it was dark for even farther for days. 

10th Plague. Death of First born. In Egypt the first born was king. They would be the one to lead the family after the father died. When food was scarce the first born ate first and sometimes was the only one to eat. After locusts ate everything there was only grain locked in vaults. The hail got it wet, locust feces, it made it moldy. And so when only the first born ate, they were the only ones killed by moldy grain. 

Simple right? Back then they never would have known. Back then lightning was His wrath. Back then a disease was His punishment. Back then nature was unknown. But when you look at it with science, not that big a deal. It's true that disturbing ecosystem may lead to undesirable effects and given the insufficient hygiene, some of the plagues directly affecting the people were very likely the consequence of the chain reaction triggered by Plague #1. 

But science should be as exact as possible to elevate a rational speculation to a theory -- and that's the point where the mainstream science failed to deliver the unchallengeable explanation to the causes of the Plagues of Egypt. 

We must seek an alternative explanation to the phenomenon which employs an exact scientific methods, where the exactness is supplied by the usage of mathematics. Exactness is a synonym to equality, and so we must employ something similar to the famous E = mc^2 to arrive at the true theoretical explanation to the question what caused the Plagues of Egypt. 

Firstly, we must establish the quantities and the time of the occurrence: There were 10 plagues that took place in the Biblical times, because Exodus, the second book of The Old Testament, describes them all. 

Secondly, we need to formulate the question regarding the cause of the plagues mathematically, where the cause is an unknown variable x: 

10 = x 

To solve this equation, we need to restrict our solution with respect to the source, which is Exodus. In other words, we are looking for significant event strongly related to number 10 in this book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Here it is: the 10 commandments -- the list of "religious and moral imperatives" that God gave to Moses to go by. Now we can solve the unknown variable: 

10 plagues = 10 commandments. 

The interpretation of the above equality is simple: The people of Egypt utterly disregarded God's moral codex and God punished them for that. He counted, so the punished folks would know what those plagues were meant for. 

Of course, mathematic equations are the most exact instruments, but they cannot be completely detached from physical aspects that they define. The confirmation of God causing the plagues must therefore assume an observable or detectable form. And so here is the final brick to the theory: 

You know, the theory has a weak spot. 

No, it has not -- it's perfect. 

Yes, it has. There is a glitch: You handed the 10 Commandments to Moses after he and his people left Egypt. You punished the wrong guys. 

No, I didn't. They are all the same; Homo sapiens = Homo sapiens -- the same bunch of disrespectful creatures. 

But if the Egyptians knew that you had issued those 10 instructions, they would have behaved. 

That's what you think? What are you up to, dude? Are you going to teach me what my own creation would do or not? I know those chipmunks better than anyone else, and I truly say onto you that you know shit about them. 

Too bad I lost the tape with the above conversation on it; otherwise I would turn the theory into the fact and forwarded my academic standing further than anyone else would ever hope for.




  1. If a volcano erupted at exactly the right time to back up Moses's treats to Pharaoh that in itself would be just as miraculous :-)

    There's also the theory that a non-miraculous, well-timed wind storm just happened to part the Red Sea at just the right time. I wonder if there are people who believe in both the well-timed volcano and the well-timed wind storm theories.

    There is of course a simpler explanation - the one the Bible gives :-)

  2. is this fact ? where are your sources from ?>
